Paws & Ballroom Blues (A Willow Crossing Mystery Book 2) Page 7
After a few minutes, Ru sat forward and turned to look at her husband. “What is it?” Esteban asked.
“I think I’m ready now.”
Confused, Esteban looked at her and asked, “Ready for what?”
“I want us to have a baby.”
Esteban’s eyes lit up and then he asked, “Are you sure? You said you didn’t want any kids, at least not until much later.”
“Well, much later may be too late. I’m 35, Papi, and I’m not getting any younger.”
“What made you change your mind?”
“After what I went through today, it made me realize what is really important. I want us to have a family. I want to be a mom.”
Smiling from ear to ear, Esteban responded, “This is amazing. But, is it only because you went through all that you did?”
“No. I have been giving it a lot more thought lately. Today just confirmed it when I saw how scared you were. I knew that if you loved me that much, you would love our child with everything you had. You’d make a great father, by the way.”
“Well, I know that you would make a great mother. I see the way you are with those students of yours, and the way you treat Opal. But …”
“If you get pregnant, you know what that means, right?”
Thinking she knew where he was going with his thoughts, she asked, “What does it mean?”
“It means you will have to give up your detective work.”
“What detective work? I’m a school teacher and a caterer; nothing else.”
They both looked at each other and laughed. “Of course, Papi. If I get pregnant, I most definitely will keep out of trouble.”
“Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started on our family!” Esteban jumped out of the swing and grabbed her hand. Together they ran up the stairs to the bedroom like a couple of teenagers, laughing the whole way.
Find out what is discovered in book 3 of The Willow Crossing Mysteries here:
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