Chaos And The Caper (An East Pender Cozy Mystery Book 10) Read online
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“You're right, but Robin Hood was a hero and so am I. These people I'm helping, they all need the money more than you! You don't know what it's like for them. So many, there are so many who need help, and I'm just one man--”
“And, of course, you just happen to get the plaudits for raising so much. You speak of those in need but what about us? What about the small business owners? You think we're rich? These people are your friends, your community. We all have donated to your causes. There's no way to justify stealing from us.”
“You all have insurance. You all can come back from it. These people...they have nothing.”
“You're wrong. They have their dignity. They have their pride. How do you think they would feel if they knew that all the help they were receiving came at the cost of crime? The ends do not justify the means, Richard. The only thing you'd give them is shame. How dare you steal from people in their name and try to justify it as a worthy cause. You've hurt innocent people, and that's what people are going to remember you for now,” she said bitterly.
She turned away from Richard, who still tried protesting his innocence, but his words were falling on deaf ears as all the goodwill he had engendered evaporated.
When Ellen turned, she saw the Longthornes walking off into the distance, and she was glad to see the back of them. Maggie was about to leave too, but Ellen wanted to give it one last try. So she ran up and grabbed her.
“I'm really sorry about what happened,” Ellen said.
“That may be so, but it still happened and you can't change that.”
“Is there no way for us to be friends again?”
“My cafe is opening soon, Ellen. When I first came here I only had one goal; to make a new life for myself. But now I have another one, to put you out of business. I'm glad you solved the case, you might want to start looking for a new job with the police,” she said with a cold, hard stare. Then she spun on her heels and turned away. Ellen was left dumbstruck.
Jimmy came up to her, wiping the sweat off his brow. He looked instantly relaxed now that the case was over.
“Thank you for all your help, I'd have never done it without you. I never would have guessed it was Richard Robins. I'm happy Andy will be back soon. Hopefully there won't be any more cases until he returns.”
“I'm sure it'll be fine and, hey, you closed your first case! You should be proud of that. You can go back to your old job now.”
“Yeah, maybe, although I've been thinking of a career change,” he said. Ellen didn't think it would be the worst thing for him.
She watched as Richard was arrested and taken away by the officers then she strolled home, smiling. She felt like her old self again and this case had been exactly what she needed. East Pender was her town, her home, and she knew where she belonged.
Kelly, Matthew, and Andy returned home on the same day. Ellen was so happy to see them. As they walked back through East Pender they passed Maggie's cafe, which was opening its doors that afternoon. Ellen was in the midst of conversation when she suddenly stopped and exchanged an icy glare with Maggie.
“Who was that?” Kelly asked.
“We have a lot of catching up to do,” Ellen said, her thoughts turning to her new business rival and whether she could keep The Chrome Cafe as the place to be for all the people in East Pender.
Find out what Ellen discovers in book 11 of The East Pender Mysteries! Coming Soon!
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